
US Lifts Longtime Drilling Ban on Alaskan Wildlife Habitat

US Lifts Longtime Drilling Ban on Alaskan Wildlife Habitat

The Department of Interior on Wednesday approved oil and gas drilling on Alaska land considered such sensitive wildlife habitat that it was first protected by former Interior Secretary James G. Watt under President Reagan, and by four Interior secretaries since.

The decision — decried by Native American, hunting and environmental groups — comes just weeks after the U.S. Senate rejected drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, about 200 miles to the east.

Bureau of Land Management staff said the decision was made after three years of study and in response to requests by Vice President Dick Cheney's energy task force.

The area is a critical stop for molting geese on the Pacific flyway, with as many as 90,000 birds resting in flat wetlands in the summer. Up to 46,000 caribou also use areas near the lake for calving and migration paths.

Its all about oil, at any cost, no matter what. Greedy A**holes. They do not care about preserving land and wildlife, as long as there is oil there. grrr

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