
The problem is...

The Taliban were not providing suffient stability and pulled out of Centgas. The united states became hostile with the Taliban and in July 2001 The US threatened to lay out their pipeline in bombs; By July 2001, the national guard was called into drill and all activities were suspendended for several weeks pending mobilization September 14.
Meanwhile all incoming intelligence, reports and threats regarding attacks on September 11th were confiscated and negated by the FBI.

So October 10, US had blasted enough of Afghanistan to lay the pipeline for the Unocal project.

But in March 2002, Bush decided he wasn't concerned about Osama Bin laden anymore, he was very worried about Iraq, and that he needed to topple Sadaam in his war for oil, er, um War on terror.

Backtracking to 1998, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Perle wrote to Clinton urging him to adopt a Strategy aimed at "the removal of Sadaam Hussein's regime from power"
In 2000, a publication "Project for the New American Century" was aimed at toppling Sadaam Hussein's regime...


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