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Join a Delegation
Demand Immigration Detention Reform!
Congressional In-District Lobby Weeks, June 29th – July 5th

Detainee being shackled by guard © Steven Rubin
We need your help. Tens of thousands of individuals will be detained tonight, tomorrow, and the next day at an average cost of $95 per person, per day. Among them are survivors of torture and human trafficking, undocumented immigrants, asylum seekers, lawful permanent residents, and even U.S. citizens. The individuals are caught in a U.S. immigration detention system that is expensive, ineffective, and that denies basic human rights.
You can help fix it. Effective alternatives cost as little as $12 per day, and some commonsense measures will save money and help stop abuses against the more than 300,000 men, women and children detained each year.
A few members of Congress have stepped forward to lead the reform. With your help, leading a visit to your Representative or Senators, we'll press Congress to end human rights abuses in detention facilities in the US.
Amnesty International will provide you with the support and training you need to be an effective Delegation Leader. Serving as a delegation leader will take a time commitment of about 15 hours, which includes reading background materials, participating in our online training, meeting with members of your delegation and meeting with your elected officials' office some time during the workday between June 29th – July 5th.
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