Dear friend of United for Peace and Justice,
With the situation in Iraq spiraling out of control, Bush Administration officials have recently floated the idea of a "troop surge" -- sending as many as 30,000 more troops to Iraq. With U.S. soldiers being maimed and killed with growing frequency, and the number of U.S. deaths in Iraq rapidly approaching the grim milestone of 3,000, this startlingly stupid plan can only mean more deaths -- both U.S. and Iraqi -- and a deeper quagmire.
But far from rejecting it, leading Democrats, including Democratic Senate Leader Harry Reid, have expressed support for the notion of sending more troops to Iraq.
Obviously, they haven't been listening to the will of the people, whose opposition to the war gave them control of the Congress. Only 12% support sending more troops to Iraq -- the overwhelming majority want the troops to come home now.
So we need to speak louder than ever:
1) Call or email the office of Senator Harry Reid and tell him you expect the Democrats to follow the clear wishes of the electorate and bring the troops home from Iraq.
Call Reid at 202-224-2158 or 202-224-7003 or email his chief of staff at
2) Plan to mark the 3,000th U.S. death with a vigil or other event in your community. Under the slogan, "Not One More Death, Not One More Dollar," the American Friends Service Committee, a member group of UFPJ, is coordinating events all around the country. Learn more at
3) Now more than ever, be sure to join us in Washington, D.C., on Saturday, January 27, for a massive peace march calling on Congress to use its power to bring the troops home now! Leaflets, web banners, ride and housing boards, and much more for this urgently needed protest are available at
With hopes for peace and justice in this holiday season,
UFPJ National Staff
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