This blog serves as a continuum of km.wittig;
In a world of idiots- anything goes; I only hope something good could come out of it.
But if its FOX, its tainted info.
The neocons [w/diaper rash] wont say a word. Mummmm [wishing will make it so-lalalala]
Its like the mafia denying they didn't whack- eh, you catch my drift...
McCain Campaign Sells Info-Loaded Blackberry to FOX 5 Reporter
A Fox 5 investigative reporter buys a Blackberry device containing confidential campaign information from the John McCain campaign.
Friday, December 12, 2008
ARLINGTON, Va. -- Private information at bargain prices. It was a high-tech flub at the McCain-Palin campaign headquarters in Arlington when Fox 5's Investigative Reporter Tisha Thompson bought a Blackberry device containing confidential campaign information.
It started with a snippet we read on page A23 in Thursday's Washington Post. The McCain-Palin campaign was going to sell its used office inventory at low prices.
But when we got there, it didn't look like we were going to get much. It was lunchtime and most of the good stuff was gone, picked over by early birds looking for deals on file cabinets, white boards, sofas-- anything headquarters could sell to get back some of their campaign dough.
We saw laptops ranging between $400 and $600 with logins like "WARROOM08." We couldn't log on without a password, but staffers assured us the hard drive would be zapped before it was sold, and the computer would probably work.
The hottest item? Blackberry phones at $20 a piece. There were only 10 left. All of the batteries had died. There were no chargers for sale. But people were snatching them up. So, we bought a couple.
And ended up with a lot more than we bargained for.
When we charged them up in the newsroom, we found one of the $20 Blackberry phones contained more than 50 phone numbers for people connected with the McCain-Palin campaign, as well as hundreds of emails from early September until a few days after election night.
Click here to read the full story from MyFox Washington, D.C.
Damn. Bring an extra hookah or two.
Egyptian Woman is having 9 Twins at Once
By Hisham at 30 July, 2008, 5:28 pm | 1,604 views
I do not know whether if this is in response to the new Child Law issued this year 2008 by the Egyptian government, or at least something it’s an alert to the need to review this law, which defines the number of births in the family to two children only, and maybe one mistake that could get a woman pregnant will be considered a crime, and may be punishable by Law imposing financial penalties.
“Ghazaleh” is an Egyptian woman who is Preparing to receive 9 twins at once, wich is a very rare occurrence case, the Chatby university hospital in Alexandria is getting ready with all the possibilities available to provide necessary medical care for mother and the coming babies.
she has appeared yesterday, Monday, Egyptian PM 29-7-2008, in the “El beat Beatak” talk show on TV, a wider Egyptian television program, claims that she has the status of good health, but was afraid for herself and her children from living conditions that are not merciless in Egypt, especially as she and her husband were having a simple 3 Other children .
The Chatby hospital director said through the program, the real crisis is the current lack of a hospital Custody to receive the nine embryos as it is supposed that they will all need to enter the Custody immediately after birth.
The spokesman for the Ministry of Health, Dr. Abdel-Rahman Shahin Contacted the TV Program and confirmed the responsibility of the Ministry on the mother and her children after birth, indicating that he was instructed by Hatem Al-Gabali, Minister of Health to transfer all in this case to a hospital affiliated to the ministry, which by all available methods of medical care.
Although the birth of twins has become a widespread phenomenon in Egypt during recent years due to climate and food contamination and the use of hormones in fertilized crops, poultry, but access to the number nine of twins is rare.
I thought this was quite interesting and congruent with my ameri-slamming.
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