
January 12 2006- Freedom in Action

January 12, 2006


"Freedom in action"

Yesterday Mr. Bush warned U.S. citizens of more violence in Iraq.again.

He called it the "price of progress" as Iraq "moves toward democracy."

In the shady, smoke and mirror filled world of Mr. Bush where violenceis progress and Iraq inches ever closer to their elusive "democracy,"truth remains ever distant from the rhetoric of his speech writers.

Mr. Bush referred to "a good deal of political turmoil" in Iraq as"freedom in action."If only reality matched his hallucinatory projections.

If only Abdul Aziz Al-Hakim, the most influential politician in Iraq andleader of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, hadn'tissued a not-so-veiled warning yesterday to Sunni Arab Iraqis that theruling Shiites would not allow significant amendments to the country'snew constitution.

If only.

The commander-in-chief of the U.S. military, speaking to members ofVeterans of Foreign Wars also stated yesterday, "We will continue tohand over territory to the Iraqis so they can defend their democracy, sothey can do the hard work, and our troops will be able to come home withthe honor they have earned."

Like Brandon Bare from North Carolina.

The 19 year-old soldier returned from Iraq last April, wounded with cutsand other injuries from a grenade attack. Three months after his returnhome young Brandon Bare found it necessary to kill his 18 year-old wifeby stabbing her 71 times. He was obviously traumatized by his time inIraq which found him engaged in combat in both Mosul and Fallujah.

"Pacified" Fallujah, the "City of Hope," as FOX "News" likes to call it,where three more U.S. soldiers were killed yesterday when their Humveewas destroyed by a roadside bomb.and a fourth soldier, like BrandonBare, was wounded in action.

Yet, the land of hallucinations is a nice place to be for someone likeMr. Bush, who also said yesterday that most Iraqis are upbeat about their future.

Despite rampant kidnappings, unemployment soaring to well over 50%,little electricity, no potable water and violence continuing unabated,Bush said, "The vast majority of Iraqis prefer freedom with intermittentpower to life in the permanent darkness of tyranny and terror.

"The security is so bad in Baghdad now that many people now don't leavetheir homes unless it is absolutely necessary. Rampant abductions ofIraqis are symptomatic of the escalating lawlessness in Iraq which is ofcourse aggravated by the political turmoil that has engulfed the countrysince the December 15 polls.

Iraqi officials say as many as 30 Iraqis a day are reported kidnapped in Baghdad.

The abductions are part of the rising lawlessness accompanyingthe country's political turmoil/"freedom in action.
"Nothing has changed with the kidnapping since my last trip to Baghdad.

Many of the hostages are freed when the ransom demanded is paid by their families.

Other times when the ransom is paid, as happened to a friendof my interpreter, the family received a call telling them they couldpick up the body of their 16 year-old son at the morgue.

Thank you for that entry, Darh. It is so important people become aware of
The costs of this war full spectrum;
Iraq has limited freedom, can expect more violence for reasons beyond my comprehension, except greed and supreme control by the US.

I do not support this, and frankly am being pushed to the limit of what I am willing to tolerate from the US Government.

As we know, this is not a war about terror, it is about the US bullying its way to take ownership of the middle east.

The US Government DOES NOT CARE about affairs at home, they are too consumed with their foreign investments, and taking ownership of land that does not belong to them.

I am vehemently opposed to the United States Government;
As I read” the definition of a terrorist as one who is violently opposed to USA Government policy” in a book last night, while I have not gotten violent, the feelings about what they are doing is growing close to it.
I guess that makes me a terrorist too.

Power to the people who oppose US Policy.

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