
Conduct Unbecoming of the Commander-In-Chief

Iraq_Dispatches Digest, Vol 19, Issue 3

'Conduct Unbecoming of the Commander-In-Chief', written by Paul Kamen
for the Forum seciton of dahrjamailiraq.com examines perspectives on the
historical origins of the systematic torture of Iraqis at US hands. This
well researched piece also addresses:

-To date, the steady influx of Iraqi detainees has increased 20 percent
from 2004, causing the U.S. Military Police to continue to operate at
surge capacity, in violation of Army doctrine. Estimated total inmates
stands at 17,000, although records and classifications remain
mismanaged, making it extremely difficult to compile accurate records of
the widespread incarceration of the Iraqi male population in a country
of 25 million people.

-Dr. John Pace, U.N. Human Rights Chief, who served in Iraq for two
years admitted, "Yes, torture is happening now, mainly in illegal
detention places. Such centers are mostly being run by militia that have
been absorbed by the police force." Dr. Pace estimates that over 23,000
Iraqis are being held in detention centers of which 80 to 90 percent are

-Any U.S. soldier sworn to follow the president's orders when the
president is in accordance with his oath of office, is not obligated to
follow such orders by a negligent president in violation of his
executive office. If they do so, they put themselves in direct violation
of Article 91 and 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, and are
liable to be court-martial before a military tribunal that recognizes
the providence of the oath of a commander-in-chief of the United States
Armed Forces which unwaveringly upholds the constitution, the democratic
lifestyle of the American people, and which each soldier vows to give
his life to defend.

This piece is required reading for those wanting a deeper understanding
of detention and torture policy in Iraq, as well as legal ramifications
of all those involved...including Mr. George W. Bush.

Read this important piece here:

Or here:

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