Predator and Prey - Newsweek World News -
More than four years after 9/11, bin Laden issues another threat. Can new technology help to silence him?
By Michael Hirsh, Mark Hosenball and Sami Yousafzai
Jan. 30, 2006 issue - That familiar voice, at once menacing and gently lilting, was back.
After more than a year in which some U.S. officials had speculated openly he might be dead, Osama bin Laden resurfaced in his usual way, unannounced, dressing up threats of death in reasonable tones.
Holed up in some remote region believed to be along the Afghan-Pakistani border, the impresario of 9/11 seemed to be talking to his enemies more than his followers.
And in his audiotape, recorded in recent weeks and secretly couriered as usual to an Al Jazeera bureau, there was also something new: an offer of an olive branch.
In a cynical attempt to exploit American war-weariness, especially in Iraq, the terror leader noted that U.S. polls showed declining support for the war.
For the first time, he proposed "a long-term truce on fair conditions" to the American people "so both sides can enjoy security and stability." Bin Laden, who once built his rep by pledging to destroy the "far enemy," now seemed to be trying to close the gap. All America had to do was withdraw from Arab lands.
Sorry but I don't see Bid Laden as much of a problem as I do in Bush, et. al. and their thirst for coveting all oil in all lands.
For Full spectrum dominance, US Supremacy and the 9/11 cover up, and continued lying. Why do they want all our internet search records now? What do they want to eaves drop on us? WHAT DOES THE US GOVERNMENT HAVE TO HIDE? I KNOW what they have to hide.
I read both translations of Bin Ladens talk. I heard what he said, and the US had no right to lead us into an unprecedented war with Iraq. The bottom line is OIL. The people of Middle eastern countries now subjected to US imposed threats and torture.
Bin Laden made a point. He made reference to Bill Blum's book, "Rogue State"
Most of US do not support this war, and he addressed that.
For as long as our leaders grovel to gain dominance, they should expect no less than retaliation for their wrong doings.
Osama proposed a truce, there is no harm in that. Its what MOST American people want....But Dick Cheney the bully said we don't negotiate with terrorists, when the TOP US officials are guilty of just that.
Harry Belefonte told it like it is, and any american, or any other country with 1/2 a brain can see the situation for what it truly is.
The repeated lies, deceipt and corruption of the US government, and its unjust acts on the Middle Eastern Countries to obtain their natural resources is exactly why we
are subject to another attack, 9/11 was allowed to happen.
The US Government made no attempt to stop 9/11 based on months of intelligence before the attack. Bush watched the building first hit BEFORE he went into the classroom, the buildings crumbled. That has never in the history of any highrise fire happened, particularly when firemen heard explosions all around them. Those buildings were riddled with explosives. GEORGE BUSH'S BROTHER MARVIN WAS HEAD OF SECURITY AT WTC (AND DULLES AIRPORT) THERE WAS A POWER OUTAGE FOR 30 HOURS SEPT 8-9. NICE TIME TO PACK THE PLACE WITH EXPLOSIVES.
So you hunt for Bin Laden who only, spoke the truth and asked for peace?
I am NOT proud to be an American.
I prefer to go back to where my grandparents came from.
Germans have decency and dignity.
US makes me sick
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