
How W Got Elected in the First Place

Months before the 2000 presidential elections, the offices of Florida Governor Jeb Bush and Secretary of State Katherine Harris ordered the removal of 90,000 citizens from the voter rolls because they were convicted felons . . . and felons can?t vote in Florida. There was one problem: 97 percent of those on the list were, in fact, innocent.

They weren?t felons, but they were guilty . . . of not being white. Over half the list contained names of non-whites. I?m not guessing: I have the list from out of the computers of Katherine Harris? office -- and the ?scrubbed? voter?s race is listed with each name.

And that?s how our President was elected: by illegally removing tens of thousands of legal African American voters before the race.

But you knew that . . . at least you did if you read the British papers -- I reported this discovery for the Guardian of London. And I reported again on the nightly news. You saw that . . . if you live in Europe or Canada or South America.

In the USA, the story ran on page zero. Well, let me correct that a bit. The Washington Post did run the story on the fake felon list that selected our President -- even with a comment under my byline. I wrote the story within weeks of the election, while Al Gore was still in the race.

The Post courageously ran it . . . seven months after the election.

The New York Times ran it . . . well, never, even after Katherine Harris confessed the scam to a Florida court after she and the state were successfully sued by the NAACP.

So, I can?t say the New York Times always makes up the news. Sometimes the news just doesn?t make it.

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