I wanted to first lend my thoughts and impressions of tonight’s speech before I heard from all the other critics and analysts who will no doubt be picking this apart for days.
First and for most; Hey, It all sound great…but is it for real?
As all of the world is aware; George Bush’s ratings have dropped significantly and talk of impeachment has surfaced in the media, the senate and in congress.
He had to boost his ratings so what is real and what is fiction? That remains to be seen; but what I want to know, since I follow the media and watch the news; Where does he get his statistics?
As I watched him make each point; One side of the room would stand and cheer; then all would stand and cheer; then only the middle of the room would stand and cheer.
It was a pep rally, not a reflection of actual current events as I have observed over the last couple years.
Bush made reference to Islamic radicals quite often. Democracy quite often throughout the world and I wonder if that is how each country feels. Is Iraq free now?
He also made reference to the Elite extremists/radicals in Iran...and that they must not be allowed to continue. That was very clear.
He spoke of Bin laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri, as the enemy yet Bin laden- Bush ties go way back. US officials have always let him get away, particularly while he was in a hosptal in Dubia on dialysis. They know where he is; and I await his retort.
I have taken note Cindy Sheehan was arrested this evening…I’ll no doubt get into more of that later. What is REALLY happening here?
I have openly opposed this war and the complicities of US Government….what does that make me? An informed citizen or a threat to national security?
I heard Bush speak of 9/11 and how we must never allow these attacks to happen again, but flash to Hillary Clinton at that statement and she is smirking and shaking her head…
What was she thinking? Who benefited from insider trading that day of American Airlines; Morgan Stanley and other put options on stocks directly affected that one day.
Why was intelligence negated and after the fact information confiscated? Why was a forensic investigation of the largest crime scene in history NOT PERMITTED?
What I heard tonight was an American Dream, but as a citizen..how much is reality.....?
[Because] I haven’t seen it. I worked for a few years in Corporate Bankruptcy, when attempting to find work after illness and considerable injuries…there were very few jobs. I would meet many people, some once high paid executives who could not find work. So where are these jobs 4.8 million new jobs? My condition was regarded as severe...but not severe enough. So now I have to go through the court system to simply survive.
If 85 billion was appropriated for New Orleans, why am I reading about misappropriation of funds? When we are currently at $ 237,742, 855,000+ growing every second in Iraq.
It is true that America is addicted to oil, as he stated and as like any good junkie would do, he would go to any length to feed the addiction.
That’s what has happened….
So Bush proposes new energy reforms, and research so that we can be free from the Middle East in 25 years. No, I don’t see that as fact.
According to the people of Iraq, many of whom are doing with out basic necessities, our reconstruction efforts are making our military position in the Middle East stronger.
I have heard that more emphasis is to be for education...math and science? Yet hear from teachers how funding has been cut from these programs
So while the upbeat mantra of this particular speach was "what we might like to hear"
it is a far cry from the america I see each day. American workers? I have observed European workers run circles around the average american worker.
Having been in management and abroad; there is a significant difference in work ethics.
Even here in the states, the difference between the European worker and the american worker can only in very rare instances be parallelled.
I have written this with out the bias of the media; critics; neocons and analysts.
I live here, I watch and I observe. I am eager to hear the rest of the worlds perspective...
Bush committed to a very large array of fanciful ideals tonight, it will be interesting the hear what the rest of the world has to say. I think he desperately needed to boost his ratings and had to tell the people what they wanted to hear.
Now I want to see it come to fruition.
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