
Demand a full investigation into U.S. detention and interrogation policies.
Support our 100 Days Campaign.
Donate to end the use of torture

Dear Kathy,

Today, we expect President Obama to announce a plan to close Guantánamo Bay prison. This is a major victory in restoring our values and rehabilitating America’s image worldwide. I want to personally thank you for being part of this fight with us.

However, you and I know that there is so much more that needs to be done — so many wrongs that still need to be righted.

Alex Gibney’s Academy Award-winning documentary Taxi to the Dark Side showed in stark terms
what you and I are fighting for. When I heard the stories of those tortured prisoners, it made me feel ashamed and angry, and made clear why we must demand accountability for all abuses committed in the “war on terror.”

With your financial support
, we can restore America’s commitment to justice and take our place, once again, as a human rights leader around the world.

Make a tax-deductible donation to our 100 Days Campaign and help us seize this unprecedented opportunity to make human rights a centerpiece of the new Obama administration.

In addition to closing Guantánamo Bay prison, in his first 100 days in office, we are calling on President Obama to end the use of torture and other inhuman treatment and fully investigate U.S. detention and interrogation policies, including holding accountable those responsible for torture.

Please watch this disturbing video
clip from Taxi to the Dark Side. Then, make a donation of $35, $75 or $100 — whatever you can afford — to help us end the use of torture and restore America’s reputation around the world.

Amnesty members like you have always remained vigilant in the protection of human rights. I am counting on your continued leadership and commitment as we demand a full investigation into all aspects of U.S. detention and interrogation policies and usher in a new era of respect for human rights around the world.

Your steadfast commitment has helped us reach today’s remarkable victory for human rights. Thank you for your continued support as we work together to restore the America we believe in.

Larry Cox
Executive Director, Amnesty International

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