
This enrages me so much; tempting me to use skillfully mastered tactics to bring it to an end.
This has been my sole gripe with this woman who otherwise amused us during an "election"
potential veep? OMDB-,

Save America's Wolves

Watch our new video and help us stop the massacre

Watch our new video on Palin’s terrible wolf-killing plans and find out how you can help stop them. Warning: Contains disturbing images.

You Can Help Stop the Killing...
Please watch our video, help us stop aerial killing of wolves, prevent this brutal practice from spreading to areas like Greater Yellowstone and help other wildlife with your tax-deductible, year-end contribution of...

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Help stop the slaughter... donate now!

Dear Kathy,

Sarah Palin is planning what could be the bloodiest aerial wolf killing season yet in Alaska.

Already this winter, aerial gunners in Alaska have slaughtered at least 47 wolves. More wolves were killed this past November than in any November in the past five years. And, under Governor Palin’s out-of-control wolf-killing program, nearly 600 more wolves could die before this year’s season is finished.

Wolves are dying right now, and we need your help to stop the killing.

Please watch our new video
and make a year-end tax-deductible contribution of $5
, $10
, $50
or whatever you can afford
will help us end aerial killing of wolves and protect other imperiled wildlife.

With new leadership in Washington and unprecedented awareness about Governor’s Palin’s senseless killing programs, we’re now in a better position to stop this terrible, needless practice and save wolves.

With your support, we will…
  • Forcefully oppose efforts by Governor Palin and her Board of Game to arbitrarily kill even more wolves just to boost game populations for out-of-state hunting interests;
  • Shine the national spotlight on Governor Palin’s brutal wolf-killing programs and pressure her to end them;
  • Work with the incoming Obama/Biden Administration to close the loophole in the Federal Airborne Hunting Act that Governor Palin is exploiting to continue Alaska’s unfounded aerial wolf killing programs; and
  • Build support in Congress for the reintroduction and passage of the Protect America’s Wildlife Act (PAW), federal legislation to end aerial killing of wolves once and for all.

We need to raise $150,000 before December 31st to launch our new campaign in January to stop Palin’s planned wolf slaughter. Will you help?

Please make a year-end tax-deductible contribution of $5

, $10
, $50
or whatever amount you can afford
today to help support these and other efforts to save wolves and other wildlife, and we’ll put your year-end tax-deductible contribution to work right away.

With your help, I know we can succeed. Together, we were able to stop Governor Palin’s ghastly $150 bounty for the severed paws of slaughtered wolves, block Palin’s stealth campaign to stifle the voice of Alaska’s citizens on wildlife issues and spotlight Palin’s support for aerial killing and other anti-wildlife policies in the national media.

And, with the help of caring people like you, our sister organization Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund was able to help stop Palin from becoming our next Vice President and spreading her anti-wildlife politics across the country.

We can win, but we can’t do it without you. Please make a tax-deductible contribution of whatever you can today to help us save wolves.

With Gratitude,

Rodger Schlickeisen, President Rodger Schlickeisen, President Signature

Rodger Schlickeisen
Defenders of Wildlife

P.S. Make a secure tax-deductible donation online today

or call 1-800-385-9712 to donate over the phone.
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