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United Nations LogoPeace and Security
* General Assembly
President, structure, members, agenda, press releases, etc.
* Security Council
Function, structure, rules of procedures, members, documents, etc.
* Peacekeeping
Current and completed missions, maps, documents, etc.
* Peacebuilding Commission
Statements of the Secretary-General and General Assembly President, resolutions, and other related material.
* Peacemaking and Preventive Action
Stopping conflicts before they start; diplomacy to end existing conflicts.
* UN Peacemaker
Web-based operational support tool for International Peacemaking Professionals.
* Disarmament
* Fighting Landmines
Policies, advocacy, action.
Collage of photos on peace and security
* Situation in the Middle East
Latest news and developments in the Middle East: news stories, press releases, webcasts.
* Question of Palestine
Publications, resolutions, NGO actions, searchable database, etc.
* Situation in Iraq
Latest developments on Iraq.
* Secretary-General's Special Representatives
Special and Personal Representatives and Envoys of the Secretary-General.
* Electoral Assistance
Objectives, assistance provided, roster of experts, etc.
* Decolonization
History, structure, documents, etc. on the UN role in decolonization.
* Field Vacancies
Employment opportunities in UN field missions.
* Research Guide
Special section on peacekeeping.
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