
Stop Blood Diamonds

Stop Blood Diamonds

I admit my own ignorance with regard to Diamonds, where they came from- how we got them.

I am deeply and perversely dissuaded by the way these gems came to be knows as "Diamonds are Forever" I believe that was early DeBeers.

It is beyond appalling what the largest continent on this planet was blessed with an abundance of potential for natural resources- making MZUNGO's rich, and select greedy African leaders giving in to corruption.

Rebel groups did their grisly part to maintain production, trade- and murdered, like any other wealth driven individual would do, if only out for personal gain at the bloody expense of others. I am paying more and more attention to the world around me.

I enjoy meeting people from EVERY culture- I feel take more action in this issue, and others like it. As a woman with Native American Blood mixed with My German/Austrian Roots- I have been profoundly affected by one particular continent and the abuse the inhabitants of the land have endured for years.
 It must stop.

top Blood Diamonds - Diamond Education

Stop Blood Diamonds

Stop Blood Diamonds is here to promote the use of conflict free diamonds. Diamonds are a beautiful natural resource - together we can assure that no person is harmed in their manufacturing.

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(Like selling your OWN Diamonds and giving the money BACK to the people who have NOTHING)

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''Stop Blood Diamonds''

is an organization pledged to stopping the exploitation of the diamond trade by human rights abusers.

Blood diamonds, often called conflict diamonds, are mined in war torn African countries by rebels to fund their conflict. The rebels grossly abuse human rights, often murdering and enslaving the local populations to mine the diamonds.

We can stop this by purchasing legitimate diamonds. Botswana used to be a poor farm country but today its government works hand in hand with the Diamond industry to give Botswana a living standard 7 times higher than its neighbors.
Make sure your jeweler stops the blood diamonds trade by supporting conflict free diamonds.

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