
Paying the Price: Killing the Children of Iraq

Video Description

This is a brief excerpt from John Pilger's "Paying the Price: Killing the Children of Iraq" (2000 - UK). The fact that NOT ONE U.S. television station - "public" or private - aired and discussed superb films such as this documentary or "Hidden Wars of Desert Storm" (Ungerman/Brohy 2000) in the run up to the invasion and occupation of Iraq proves, perhaps more than any other single thing, that America's media system is a failure.

bio: http://about-scott-sanders.blogspot.com/

blog: http://www.chicagomediaaction.org/

Personal Message

Hey! If you ever wonder why I do this...This is why I do this...

Last Summer I saw oo much broken kids bodies and broken sculs...
Here you can find the truth:


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