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World Can't Wait

Imagine that you are strapped to a board, blindfolded, and your mouth taped shut. Suddenly you are upended and your head is plunged below water, or water is poured continuously on a pile of rags across your face. Water is forced up your nose, you choke and gag, you cannot cry out or do anything to stop it.

Torture? Heavens no, the U.S. doesn't torture! This is only simulated drowning, as water-boarding is euphemistically called in the press.

The sole merit of Vice President Cheney is that he says out loud what the others are actually thinking and doing. When asked about the administrations use of water-boarding in a recent radio interview, Cheney replied, "It's a no-brainer for me."

Is this use of torture a major issue in the current elections? Is any major political figure vowing to put an end to this? Do people even know about it?

This is one more reason why the national emergency teach-ins called by World Can't Wait-Drive Out the Bush Regime with the Bush Crimes Commission are so crucially needed.

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