
Profile of US Senator Joseph Biden, Jr of Delaware

Profile of US Senator Joseph Biden, Jr of Delaware

Liberal Politics: U.S.

US Senator Joseph Biden of Delaware

United States Senate: Senator Joseph Biden, Jr. of Delaware was first elected to the US Senate in 1972 when 29 years old. He was the 5th youngest Senator in US history. He's serving his 6th consecutive 6-year term, and will be up for reelection in 2008.

Biden is a gifted negotiator who helped shape US security and foreign relations policies. He's a moderate Democrat who often bridges the bipartisan gap, and is an ebullient campaigner with loads of authentic charm.

Recent Notoriety & Declaration to Enter 2008 Presidential Race: On June 19, 2005, Senator Biden declared his intention to seek the 2008 Democratic nomination for the presidency.

Other recent notoriety came during Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearings when he vehemently objected to the nomination of John Bolton to be US Ambassador to the UN. As a result, Democrats prevented Republicans from fast-tracking the Bolton nomination through Congress without proper due diligence investigation.

Major Areas of Interest: Senator Biden is one of the most respected Senate voices on foreign policy, civil liberties, crime, Amtrak and college aid/loan programs. He's a leader in fighting drug use and deterring drugs from entering the US. Biden has crafted many landmark federal crime laws, including the Violent Crime Control Act of 1994 and the Violence Against Women Act of 2000
Senate Committees:

Committee on Foreign Relations, ranking Democratic member

Committee on the Judiciary, chair from 1987 to 1995

Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Victims' rights, ranking Democratic member

Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control, co-chair

Senate NATO Observer group, co-chair

Senate National Security working group, co-chair

Congressional Firemens Caucus, co-chair

Congressional International Anti-Piracy caucus, co-chair

Congressional Air Force and National Guard caucuses

Prior Experience: After earning a law degree in 1968, Biden worked as a fledgling attorney in Wilmington, Delaware for 4 years until his 1972 election to the US Senate. From 1970 to 72, Biden was a member of the New Castle County, Delaware council. Senator Biden has been an adjunct professor of Constitutional law at Widener University School of Law since 1991.
Personal Data: Birth - November 20, 1942 in Scranton, Pennsylvania

Education - BA in history and political science from University of Delaware; JD from Syracuse University Law School.

Family - Married, 3 children, 4 grandchildren

Faith - Roman Catholic

He lives in his home state, and commutes daily to Washington DC by Amtrak.

Young Joe Biden was a stutterer and was terrified to read aloud in class. He would memorize pages of books before class, to minimize stuttering in front of his peers.

Interesting Personal Notes: Joseph Biden is one of the most charismatic members of the Senate. He's described as friendly, outspoken, colorful, informal and yet, distinguished. Reality is that he's a loyal Democrat with strong, informed ideological views, but who seeks bipartisan solutions. He talks a lot.

The 1988 Presidential Race: Senator Biden ran for the presidency in 1988, but aborted his effort when the rival Dukakis campaign found that Biden had delivered an Iowa speech in which part was taken from a British politician. Biden defended the speech, arguing (to no avail) that he had credited the Brit on an earlier occasion. Biden is also alleged to have once exaggerated his law school achievements. The ego of politics

"Memorable Quotes: About six months ago, the president said to me, 'Well, at least I make strong decisions, I lead.' I said, 'Mr. President, look behind you. Leaders have followers. No one's following. Nobody."
Rolling Stone magazine, June 2004. Well said and GOOD point.

"You Europeans use George Bush's excesses as an excuse for your own lack of commitment. You've been reluctant to do anything apart from criticize America---get over it." reported on a blog, on the subject of the 2004 Davos conference in Switzerland- Easy now, don't bite the hand of the Union that could save our ass.

Talking about the Bush 2006 budget proposal to shut Amtrak and force it into bankruptcy, Senator Biden said "This is absolutely bizarre that we continue to subsidize highways beyond the gasoline tax, airlines...and we don't want to subsidize a national rail system that has environmental impact....This is the ultimate in being penny-wise and a pound-foolish." Is that like saying Bush is a capitalistic Dipsh**? NBC News "Meet the Press" on February 27, 2005

"I was in the Oval Office the other day, and the President asked me what I would do about resignations. I said, 'Look, Mr. President, would I keep Rumsfeld? Absolutely not.' And I turned to Vice President Cheney, who was there, and I said, 'Mr. Vice President, I wouldn't keep you if it weren't constitutionally required.' I turned back to the President and said, 'Mr. President, Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld are bright guys, really patriotic, but they've been dead wrong on every major piece of advice they've given you.That's why I'd get rid of them, Mr. President---not just Abu Ghraib.' They said nothing. Just sat there like big old bullfrogs on a log and looked at me." Rolling Stone interview, June 2004. How eloquent.

Look we don't need an ego serving self centered president, we need one who isn't afraid to call an ace an ace, and a Bullfrog a bullfrog. He has enough clarity, and has shared with me that he agree's the war in Iraq was wrong.
At least he know's the difference between right and wrong. That simple fact can make all the difference.

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