
April 29th March in NYC

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Is this wide enough?

Two days ago, on April 29, the streets of New York City echoed with the chants, songs and shouts of at least 350,000 people from across the United States. Mobilized around the call to end the war in Iraq now, to say no to any attack on Iran, and to support the rights and dignity of immigrants and women, and all people, the marchers brought a renewed urgency to the clear demand for change. One of the largest contingents of the day was organized by antiwar activists in the trade union movement, bringing together the largest antiwar labor contingent in U.S. history.

At the march’s conclusion in Foley Square, a vibrant sea of flags, banners and signs welcomed marchers to the “Peace and Justice Festival.” Issue tents featured speakers, literature, educational activities, t-shirt sales, food and music highlighting the key issues of the wide-ranging March coalition: the war in Iraq and threats of war and U.S. nuclear attacks on Iran, a Palestine tent featuring Q&A on Israel/Palestine and folkloric dance in an Arab-style “cafĂ©,” counter-recruitment campaigners, a Labor tent featuring the NYC Labor Chorus, and others. A special Children’s Peace Tent featured puppet making and peace crane art projects, “Putt for Peace” and other games, face painting, musicians and jugglers. Films, music, performances by the Raging Grannies and many other activities were featured as well. A fuller report, including photographs, will be available soon on our website.

Now we must look forward and build on the momentum of this vibrant, empowering demonstration. We call on you to help us quickly and energetically into the next phase of our work. We need your time, talent and dedication to your local activism, and we need more financial support for our national organizing work.

UFPJ’s 2006 plan of action to Organize, Mobilize and Empower the Peace Majority began with the April 29th mobilization. In the coming months we plan to:

  • Expand the pressure on Congress and the White House to end the war on Iraq and bring all of the troops home now. We will work to prevent a pre-emptive war on Iran or any other country. We will continue to put people into the streets in marches and rallies and vigils; we will strengthen our legislative action and we will support non-violent civil resistance.
  • Convene organizing conferences for UFPJ member groups, which will include skill-building workshops and training in building stronger, broader coalitions.
  • Organize to make peace and justice issues the focal point of the election-year agenda, and to mobilize voters for peace.

One way you can be part of this dynamic program of work is to become a UFPJ Sustainer by making a monthly donation. If each one of you gave $10 or $15 a month, or a quarterly donation of $25, we would have the resources we need to move forward.

Of course, they need donations to keep moving forward. I generally omit that part of the story- but on this one I'll make an exception. Passing on the the information is my task.

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