I detest this man.
That Was Then
"One place you ought to go look is an article that Stephen Hayes did in the Weekly Standard a few weeks ago, that goes through and lays out in some detail, based on an assessment that was done by the Department of Defense and forwarded to the Senate Intelligence Committee. That's your best source of information."

-- Vice President Cheney, Jan. 9, 2004, referring to an article about Iraq's alleged ties to al-Qaeda during an interview with the Rocky Mountain News. The Pentagon said the magazine article was "inaccurate" and based on "deplorable" and possibly illegal intelligence leaks .
This Is Now
"There clearly has been damage done. . . . One of the problems we have as a government is our inability to keep secrets. And it costs us, in terms of our relationship with other governments, in terms of the willingness of other intelligence services to work with us, in terms of revealing sources and methods."
-- Cheney, Feb. 16, 2006, commenting on Fox News about recent media reports about warrantless surveillance and CIA prisons.
YOUR conduct is deplorable. DICK Cheney is a disgrace to The United States of America.
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