History News Network
President proposes cutbacks in Teaching American History Grants
Source: National History Coalition (2-6-06)
In the funding proposal the president asserts that “the number of quality applications for assistance under this program in recent years does not justify the current level of funding ($121 million). He therefore recommends that it be reduced to $50 million. The reduced cost reflects “the anticipated number of high-scoring applicants” and would generate about 52 new awards.”
As for the budget numbers for agencies of particular interest to the history and archives professions:For the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) a request of $141 million (about $2 million less than appropriated last year), including: $15.2 million – level funding – for the “We the People” initiative. Part of the funds would support the ”Interpreting America’s Historic Places” and “Family and Youth Programs in American History” initiatives – the purpose of the former is self evident while the latter supports inter-generational learning about significant topics in US history and culture.
There is also a major new matching fund initiative to transcribe, digitize, and post to the Internet the papers of the first four presidents (Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison); there are funds earmarked to help preserve and increase access to collections of papers of former members of Congress. Finally, the budget includes $31.08 million for Federal/State partnership programs.
For a more detailed breakdown of the NEH funding request, go to http://www.neh.gov/whoweare/2007budget.html .For the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) the request is for $338 million. Of this $45 million will go toward development of “basic preservation and access capabilities of the Electronic Records Archives.” To the disappointment of many the initial funding for a new stateside archives formula grant program did not materialize. There is, however, $2 million for the initial move of the records and for staffing and operations of the Nixon presidential library.For the NHPRC – once again zero funds for grants. The budget document states:
“The Budget proposes no new grants funding...so that NARA can focus its resources on its essential Federal records management mission.”Other items of possible interest: For the 18 museums that comprise the Smithsonian Institution – $533 million -- up slightly from FY 2006 of $527 million. For the Institute for Museum and Library Services – a total of$262.2 million (an increase of just over $15 million) of which $39.89 million (an increase of $2.5 million) in assistance to museums and $220 million for assistance to libraries. For the Woodrow Wilson Center – level funding of $9 million. And for the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation level funding as well – $6 million.
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