The World Federation of United Nations Associations Newsletter
Issue No. 97 - October 2009
Topic for October: Eradicating Poverty
In this issue:
- Who's Who at the UN
- What's Happening at the UN
- UN Partnerships in Action: The Three Pillars
- WFUNA Highlights
- WFUNA-youth News
- Model UN News
Topic people are talking about: Eradicating Poverty
Topic of the Month: Eradicating Poverty
Overview on Eradicating Poverty
Over the years, we have been flooded with dire statistics of poverty around the globe - so much so that people have come to accept it as an unfortunate but irreversible condition. However governments, along with the international community, have made poverty alleviation a top priority in their development strategies. With the adoption of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in 2000, which set quantitative benchmarks to halve extreme poverty in all its forms by 2015, important progress has been started worldwide.
To read the complete overview on eradicating poverty click here >>
UN Perspectives: Bruce Jenks
In his interview with UN Connections, Bruce Jenks, Assistant Secretary-General and Director of the Bureau for Resources and Strategic Partnerships for the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), talks about achieving the MDGs in a world of interconnected crises, UNDPs partnerships with civil society and the private sector, and the importance of continued North-South cooperation and support.
To read the complete article click here >>
NGOs on the Move
Action Against Hunger is an international network committed to saving the lives of malnourished children and their families while ensuring access to safe water and sustainable solutions to hunger. Action Against Hunger has pursued its vision of a world without hunger for nearly three decades, combating hunger in emergency situations of conflict, natural disaster, and chronic food insecurity. As part of its international network, Action Against Hunger’s 6,000 staff work in over 40 countries carrying out innovative, life-saving programs in nutrition, food security, water and sanitation, public health, and advocacy. Their programs reach some 5 million people each year, restoring dignity, self-sufficiency, and independence to vulnerable populations throughout the world. www.
ActionAid is an international anti-poverty agency whose aim is to fight poverty worldwide. Formed in 1972, for over 30 years they have been growing and expanding to where they are today - helping over 13 million of the world's poorest and most disadvantaged people in 42 countries worldwide. They work with local partners to fight poverty and injustice worldwide, and helping them fight for and gain their rights to food, shelter, work, education, healthcare and a voice in the decisions that affect their lives.
Caritas International provides assistance to the most vulnerable on behalf of Catholics around the world. They are committed to combating dehumanizing poverty, which robs people of their dignity and humanity. Caritas provides assistance to the most vulnerable regardless of race or religion.
Book Recommendations
The Millennium Development Goals Report
More than halfway to the 2015 deadline to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), major advances in the fight against poverty and hunger have begun to slow or even reverse as a result of the global economic and food crises, a progress report by the United Nations has found. The assessment, launched by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in Geneva, warns that, despite many successes, overall progress has been too slow for most of the targets to be met by 2015.
MDG Report 2009 >>
International Development Cooperation Today: Emerging Trends and Debates
UN NGLS, 2008
This book gives a wide variety of development actors, in particular civil society advocates on international development cooperation, a better understanding of up-and-coming trends and debates in development cooperation. In addition, it provides them with entry points to facilitate their engagement and advocacy work on international development cooperation - both in defining international commitments and demonstrating their application - within the UN system.
Link to NGLS website >>
Film Recommendations
The End of Poverty?
Cinema Libre Studio, 2008, 104 minutes
Silent Killer: The Unfinished Campaign against Hunger
KCTS Television, 2005, 60 minutes
Shot on location in South Africa, Kenya, Mexico, Brazil, the United States and Rome, “Silent Killer
Enjoy Poverty
Renzo Martens, The Netherlands, 2009, 90 minutes
For two years, Dutch artist Renzo Martens travelled around Congo, from the capital of Kinshasa to deep into the interior. Employing a casual film style, camera in hand, he makes his way around the poverty-fighting industry in the post-civil war country. Martens investigates the emotional and economic value of Africa's most significant export product: filmed poverty. The film reveals that, as with other raw materials such as cocoa and gold, the suppliers of poverty, that is, the poor being filmed and photographed, hardly profit at all from the huge amounts of money made from their imagery. In response, the filmmaker launches an emancipation programme in which he makes Congo's poor aware of their primary capital resource. To visit the website click here >>
UN Partnerships in Action: The Three Tiers
Peace and Security
UN Security Council Adopts New Non-Proliferation Resolution
President Barack Obama chaired a historic meeting of the Security Council which unanimously adopted resolution 1887
Recent Developments on RtoP
In January 2009, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon released a report entitled Implementing the Responsibility to Protect, the first comprehensive UN document on the Responsibility to Protect (RtoP). The report clarifies how to understand RtoP, and outlines measures and actors involved in rendering the norm operational. In July 2009, the General Assembly had its first plenary debate on RtoP. On 14 September 2009, the General Assembly adopted its first resolution on RtoP
The International Coalition for the Responsibility to Protect (ICRtoP) was founded by a group of NGOs in January 2009 to strengthen normative consensus for RtoP, further the understanding of the norm, help build and fortify a like-minded group of governments in support of RtoP, and to mobilize NGOs to push for action to save lives in RtoP country-specific situations. WFUNA joined the Coalition in September. The Coalition published a detailed analysis of the July General Assembly debate, you can read this by clicking here >>
NGOs Talk Disarmament in Mexico City
Some 1,300 NGO representatives from more than 50 countries attended the sixty-second annual DPI/NGO Conference in Mexico City from 9-11 September 2009 on the theme
“Disarm Now! For peace and development
Second Year of Democracy Video Challenge – Win a US tour!
Create a video short that completes the phrase “Democracy is…” and have the chance to win an all-expense paid trip to Washington DC, New York and Hollywood to screen your video and meet other young filmmakers and social activists. Submission deadline is 31 January 2010, and the seven winners (one from each geographical region and one anonymous winner) will be announced in mid-June.
For details visit:
Outcome of UN Climate Summit
On 22 September 2009, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon convened the largest-ever high-level summit on climate change at UN Headquarters in New York. The meeting demonstrated how climate change—the ‘defining challenge of our time’—has come to the fore of political attention.
The sentiment was one of optimism and determination for sealing an ambitious, comprehensive, fair, and scientifically robust agreement in Copenhagen (COP-15) this December. Leaders have expressed commitments to develop:
1. enhanced action to assist the most vulnerable and the poorest to adapt;
2. ambitious emission reduction targets for industrialized countries;
3. nationally-appropriate mitigation actions by developing countries;
4. significantly scaled-up financial, technological, and capacity-building resources; and
5. an equitable governance structure.
This was the first time that financing had been recognized as a central issue, stressing that funds from both public and private spheres should be made readily available and in addition to ODA. The Secretary-General expressed his intent to set up a High Level Panel after the Copenhagen Conference that will advise on integrating adaptation and mitigation into development
Read the analysis by NGLS:
Preparations for COP-15
COP-15 is the fifteenth Conference of the Parties under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The COP is the highest body of the UNFCCC and consists of Environmental Ministers who meet once a year to discuss the convention’s developments. All major decisions of significance to the UNFCCC are taken at these conferences. This year’s conference will convene from 7-18 December in Copenhagen, Denmark. The current international climate change agreement, the Kyoto Protocol, is scheduled to expire in 2012. In order to establish its successor, a new round of negotiations was launched in 2007 at COP-13 in Bali, Indonesia, known as the Bali Action Plan, or the Bali Roadmap. The negotiations will culminate at the conference in Copenhagen as participants look beyond Kyoto with the intention of establishing a more effective, lasting and binding accord. For details about COP-15, go to
The 39th WFUNA Plenary Assembly issued a resolution outlining the organization’s hopes for COP-15 outcomes. To read this resolution, click here >>
“Seal the Deal” on Climate Change and Preparations for UN High-level Event
WFUNA has given its full support to the UN Secretary-General’s call for countries to “seal the deal” on climate change at COP-15. The "Seal the Deal!
UNEP Launches 2009 Climate Change Science Compendium
The Climate Change Science Compendium
Human Rights
GA Adopts Resolution to Establish a New Women’s Entity
After three years of discussion, the UN General Assembly, on 14 September, adopted a resolution that takes the next step in the process that seeks to establish a new women’s rights entity
Read more:
The achievement of this important step towards gender mainstreaming at the UN must in part be accredited to the Gender Equality Architecture Reform
WFUNA Human Rights Nexus Launches Newsletter
WFUNA has recently released its first newsletter entirely focused on Human Rights. The Human Rights Nexus newsletter will be published bi-monthly and will feature human rights-related events at the UN, feature interviews with different people working in Human Rights, cover current civil society activities and offer suggestions on how UNAs can increase their involvement in the human rights area. It highlights the work done on the website and aims to promote better understanding of what is going on at the UN and in civil society regarding Human Rights. Subscribe to our human rights newsletter here:
WFUNA Highlights
The 39th Plenary Assembly of WFUNA was successfully held in Seoul, hosted by the UNA-Republic of Korea, from 10-12 August 2009 under the theme “Global Citizens for the United Nations”. 122 participants from 49 UNAs, representing every region of the world, attended. At the Opening Ceremony, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon was the keynote speaker, and addresses were made by the President of the UNA-Republic of Korea, Kim Seung Youn, the outgoing President of WFUNA Hans Blix, and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea Han Seung-soo. Dr. Hans Blix chaired the Plenary Assembly. Outcomes of the Plenary include the election of a new President, Park Soo Gil and Secretary-General, Bonian Golmohammadi, the proclamation of the Seoul Declaration, and a set of Resolutions focused on a wide scope of policy issues.
To read a summary of all the Plenary Assembly outcomes, click here >>
For the Seoul Declaration, click here >>
For the Resolutions, click here >>
To view the photo album, go to
Read an article about WFUNA and the Plenary Assembly
Swedish Olympic Gold Medalist athlete and Goodwill Ambassador of UNA-Sweden, Carolina Klüft visited the New York office and toured the United Nations in September 2009. Ms. Kluft is a proponent of the School Feeding Campaign of UNA-Sweden, and works closely with the UNA to promote and harness support for its programs.
The “Youth against Trafficking” Campaign
Michael Platzer from UNA-Austria, who is the ACUNS Liaison Officer in Vienna, organized the publication of “Can the United Nations be Thought?
UNA-USA created an initiative dedicated to President Obama's address to the UN's 64th General Assembly on 23 September. Find in-depth analysis, opportunities for you to join the global discussion by sharing your thoughts, and links to other useful interactive resources:
Obama Speaks to the World initiative
Don’t miss anything important! Follow WFUNA on Twitter
WFUNA-youth News
The 2nd WFUNA-youth Plenary Meeting took place from 10-12 August in Seoul, Republic of Korea in conjunction with WFUNA’s 39th Plenary Assembly. 43 Youth Delegates from 24 UN Youth Associations from all around the world participated in the meeting. WFUNA-youth´s work plan for the next three years was sketched out, project ideas were shared and changes were made to the draft Rules of Procedures. Most importantly, however, WFUNA-youth members were able to meet each other and exchange best practices and ideas on projects and organization. To visit the Wfuna-youth click here >>
The Plenary Meeting elected the new Coordinating Committee of WFUNA-youth. Nine members were elected with due regard to regional representation: Martina Guarnaschelli (Argentina), Alex Rafalowicz (Australia), Markus Leick (Germany), Maya Marquez (Guatemala), Paul Gathara (Kenya), Seong-mi Cho (Republic of Korea), Summit Ghimiray (Nepal), Eirene Nuño (Spain), Daniel Hardegger (Switzerland). The new Coordinating Committee will serve until the next Plenary Meeting in 2012. Please do not hesitate to contact the Coordinating Committee for further information regarding the work of WFUNA -youth
The new Youth Program Coordinator at the New York office of the WFUNA Secretariat is Divya Mansukhani from India. She will be liaising with and supporting the work of the new WFUNA-youth Coordinating Committee. Divya’s email is:
Model UN News
The first Global Model UN Conference (GMUN) hosted by the United Nations Department of Public Information in August 2009 at the Palais des Nations in Geneva was attended by delegations from several UNAs, including Armenia, Dominican Republic, Germany, Republic of Korea, Russia, and Tanzania.
As an example of some follow-up activities implemented by UNAs, on 16 September 2009 the UNA-Armenia, in collaboration with the UN DPI Armenia office, organized a press conference in the UN Conference hall in Yerevan dedicated to the Armenian delegation’s participation in GMUN. The press conference included statements from the UN Resident Coordinator in Armenia, the leadership of UNA-Armenia, and the students who participated in the Model UN. It was widely broadcast by the leading TV stations in the country, as well as covered by other mass media.
13-16 October
The Youth section of UNA-Cuba is organizing the third Matanzas Model United Nations (PUENTES 2009).
26-29 October
UNA-Colombia and partners are arranging the First Colombia Model UN in Colombia’s capital city Bogota. The official languages will be English and Spanish.
6-8 November
UNA-China in cooperation with the Beijing Normal University will be organizing the 2009 China National Model UN conference that will be held in Beijing.
24-27 November
The Youth section of UNA-Cuba is organizing the first Santiago de Cuba Model UN.
1-4 December
The Youth section of UNA-Cuba is organizing the second Pinar del Río Model United Nations (ONUPINAR 2009).
10-17 January
NMUN Latin America
Please send information about your UNAs upcoming Model UN conferences for inclusion in our calendar to
New Faces at the Secretariat
Park Soo Gil: prior to his election as President of WFUNA on 11 August at WFUNA’s 39th Plenary Assembly, served as the Republic of Korea’s ambassador in the Kingdom of Morocco, Canada, to the European Office of the United Nations in Geneva and the UN in New York, from 1984 to 1998. At the Ministry of Foreign Affaires and Trade, in which he served from 1963 to 1998, Mr. Park has held such positions as Director-General of Treaty Affairs, Deputy Minister for Political Affairs, and Chancellor, the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security. Mr. Park served as a member of the Sub Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, an affiliate body of the former Commission on Human Rights from 1999 to 2003. He is currently teaching at the Graduate School of International Studies, Korea University as distinguished professor on the subject of international organization and the United Nations. Mr. Park graduated in 1959 from the Korea University College of Law, and obtained a MIA degree in 1971 from the school of International Affairs and Public Administration, Columbia University. Mr. Park is married with two sons and one daughter.
Bonian Golmohammadi was elected Secretary-General at WFUNA’s 39th Plenary Assembly in August 2009. Previously, Mr. Golmohammadi served as Secretary-General of the UNA-Sweden for eight years. Under his leadership, UNA-Sweden increased its budget from $1 million to $5 million, and expanded its staff from 10 to 30 full-time employees. During his tenure, Mr. Golmohammadi introduced several new programmatic initiatives, such as a bilateral international project with ten UNAs including China, Georgia, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. In addition to programmatic initiatives, Mr. Golmohammadi guided UNA-Sweden to increase its marketing and public relations capacity. As a result, UNA-Sweden was awarded a Gold Medal at the Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival 2009 for True Evidence of War, a media campaign to support war victims of Georgia.
Since 2005, Mr. Golmohammadi has served as President of the UNA Europe Network. He serves on various advisory boards for Swedish Ministers for Development, international development corporations, and civil society organizations. He is a member of the Swedish UNESCO Board and participates in the United Nations Development Programme for the Millennium Development Goals in the Nordic countries. Prior to joining UNA-Sweden, Mr. Golmohammadi worked with private businesses in the Czech Republic, including a publishing trust and a real estate firm. He is fluent in Swedish, English, German and Farsi.
Nicole Catenazzi interning at the Geneva office, is a recent graduate of the University of Western Ontario (London, Canada). She specialized in Media and the Public Interest and received a Minor in Political Science. She is interested in the ways in which activist movements appropriate various types of media and how social justice issues are represented by mainstream media. She is interested as well in the political economic aspects of globalization, and how information communication technologies influence civil society.
Tiffany Ellis interning at the Geneva office, is originally from London, England, however grew up in both Europe and North America. She completed her Bachelor of Arts degree in International Development Studies and Political Science from McGill University in Montreal, Quebec in 2008. She has a strong interest in human rights, and has volunteered with WFUNA in New York, as well as with UNDP Jordan, UNDP-Poverty Centre, and The List Project. She completed internships with SAHRDC and IPCS, both in New Delhi, as well as with The Hudson Institute in Washington, D.C.
Jacob Standerfer, the Sustainable Development Issues Coordinator in the New York office, is a post-graduate student at Staffordshire University, UK and Fuller School of Intercultural Studies, USA, pursuing degrees in Governance and Sustainable Development and Intercultural Studies/International Development. His personal interests are in the MDGs (especially poverty reduction/eradication), sustainable development and climate change issues, and the import of civil society in influencing policy.